Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cleaned and Rearranged

So cleaned out the piggies yesterday.

Took the older boy pups out and put them up with Boy and Daisy. They were unappreciative of that but I don't need them breeding their moms!

Hoping to send them to pet stores this coming week or sell them privately. Have to wait and see.

Using a new litter with them. Feed store can't get in lumber shavings so I'm using this pelleted stuff. not sure how it will work out, so far seems okay. If I get less stuff shooting out of the cages... all the better!

Will be bringing in a couple more water bottles as well. Rather much filling them a couple times a day.

Have also switched them to being on rabbit feed as I've found vitamin c for them. This will make them cheaper to raise and feed. Debating getting rid of them all this summer though. Pigs don't pay for themselves. Might keep one for Justin (one of what he calls the rainbow ones). Will have to see.

Debated getting rid of them before and I've ended up with five girls and one boy. Go figure that!

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