I was disappointed this morning to see that Nicky's litter was dead, but thrilled to see Meggie's. This is unfortunately the reality in raising bunnies is that sometimes things don't work the way you want them too.
I moved some kits around to make room. Violet and Vivian live together and are getting to the age where if things are going to go poorly they will, occasionally I see tuffs of fur but for the most part they are doing well. I am hopeful to live them together for a good spell yet, but now I have a cage available should I need it.
Rustic is proving to be a total little character. He's the new buck I got from Les.
I was given a sweet little ND buck the other day. He'll be looking for a home since I simply have no need for an ND buck. Very nicely tempered. He was desperate for a nail trim so that went well.
What else??? Went over to a friends the other day and helped her with the whole breeding her bunnies thing, offered a helping hand in other ways as well. We had a nice visit.